Upload Files & Earn Money

Upload your files and share them anywhere to start earning money from downloads.

Fileink Some Features

Earn Money by Uploading and Sharing Multiple Files, Free Cloud Storage - Safe File Sharing in the Cloud

Earn Money
Earn Money

Upload document, image, video, audio, etc. and easily earn money from sharing files

Live Statistic
Live Statistic

View the amount of uploads, downloads and your earnings in live statistic

Simple Upload
Simple Upload

An easy file uploader to convenient file sharing in three steps without registration

24 / 7 Support
24 / 7 Support

24/7 support team to answer your questions via email, chat and more

Huge Servers
Huge Servers

Cloud storage and file-sharing services on powerful and flexible dedicated servers

How fileink Works

We have made fileink very easy to use. By only signing up, you get up to 10 GB of free storage that you can use to upload any file you like to share with others and earn from it.

Upload Your Files

Signup & upload files on our platform

Share Download Link

Share your files with your friends and followers

Earn Money

Get paid for every download! We pay every day


Answer of your questions

[FileInk] is a free online platform that allows users to easily upload, share, and monetize their digital files. Users can share files with others, collaborate on projects, and earn money through various monetization options.

As long as your files are regularly downloaded, they will not be deleted. If a file is no longer downloaded, it becomes inactive and is subject to deletion after 30 days.

Our service allows you to upload files of any kind as long as they're legal.

No Limit is placed on the number of files that can be downloaded. Your file uploads can be accessed continuously and downloaded without any bandwidth restrictions.

Drag and drop the files into the uploader on uptoearn. After the file upload is completed, you will be given a unique URL that can be shared with others.

Any file found to be in violation of any law or our terms and conditions will be deleted immediately.

If you believe that the file violates any laws or our terms of service, you can use the "Report File” link on the download page. Or Contact Us.

Withdrawal Methods

Perfect Money

Upload Files

Drag and drop your files or click here to upload

You can also browse files from your device

Edit file details

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